Maine Park Robert
At just 12 months of age Maine Park Robert has tipped the scales at 604kgs grass fed only. With a birth weight of 40kgs this young sire is another example of Maine Parks’ continuing progress and herd improvement in every generation.
Please find below Maine Park Roberts’ weights since birth.
Date of birth 9/6/2020 40kgs
3 months 207kgs
4 months 274kgs
5 months 302kgs
6 months 380kgs
8 months 440kgs
9 months 482kgs
10 months 536kgs
12 months 604kgs Scrotal 42cm
Maine Park Robert has been DNA tested polled/scurred, has no double muscling genes and has been grass fed – no grain (supplementary hay only in times of drought). In addition to his weight gain Maine Park Robert’s pedigree offers a background of females with very sound hooves and impeccable udders. Also, his sire is a proven producer of exceptional quality animals with a maternal side that is second to none.
Moderately framed and with such impressive weight gain, this bull will improve both pure and cross bred herds without the need for double muscling and the calving trouble that comes with it.
Maine Park Robert will be going into quarantine as soon as possible for worldwide semen export so watch this space – the next weigh in will be sure to impress.
Maine Park Robert is DNA tested for Parent Verification, PI free, PHA an TH negative and from a J-BAS 8 herd.
To improve your herd with Maine Park Robert genetics make contact today.